
Generaal Speciaal is about everyone in the Generalenbuurt. It’s about getting to know each other, meeting each other, being inspired and doing fun things together. And also about being active in your neighborhood, for your neighborhood, with your neighbors.

Not all pages are available in English yet, but we are working on making Generaal Speciaal more accessible for non-Dutch speakers. Want to help us? Please contact us. 🙂

A new foundation for the neighbourhood?
Do you want to think or participate? Come along!
read more here >

Overview of activities
look here ( in Dutch) >

Want to be a part of the neighbourhood editorial team?
read more here (in Dutch) >

Allemaal Speciaal (All Special)
a series of portraits of all kinds of people in the Generals neighbourhood
look here (in dutch) >

Color the neigbourhood
Will you help?
look here (in dutch) >

Stay tuned!

Want to stay informed about developments, activities and meetings of General Speciaal?

* verplicht veld